Playroom Rules

Welcome to the Westgate playroom community!
This community consists of resident parents, caretakers, and children who work together to provide a safe and fun place for our children to meet and play. We have created these guidelines to help ensure that the playroom remains a safe and fun. Please set a good example and encourage other members of the community to follow the rules.
Feel free to contact the Westgate Parent Resource Coordinators (PRCs) with any questions regarding playroom rules or membership policies.

Membership Eligibility

Any resident of Westgate with children is eligible to be a member. We encourage you to get to know other members and build friendships and networks that will enhance your family’s time at MIT. Members must also sign a liability release form.
The current membership fee is $10.

Rules and Guidelines

The rules below are to ensure that this space is used equitably amongst us all

  1. Signing in via the QR code on the door OR prior reservations via the westgate website are REQUIRED for playroom use. EVERYONE must sign in. This will allow us all to know when the playroom is available and will keep us all accountable for the space. 
  2. The playroom can be used no more than 5 hours a week. 
  3. No more than 2 families and no more than 6 people in the playroom at any time. 
  4. CLEAN UP after yourself and your child. If the playroom is found messy 2 times by any given individual – playroom access will be forfeited. 
  5. Children MUST be accompanied by an adult while in the playroom.
  6. Masks are not required – but please do not use the playroom when sick.
  7. No food or drink – except water in a sippy cup.
  8. Please remove your shoes and park strollers outside or collapse them near the door.
  9. Do not allow entry to people without ID access (no outside guests) and always make sure the door is closed.

The playroom is a CO-OP. Please respect the concerns of other members. If you are found in violation of the rules 2 times you will forfeit your use of the playroom for the remainder of the year without a refund of your money. If you find the playroom in poor condition please email If something is broken or otherwise needs attention, please also email 

Cleaning Policy

To keep the playroom clean and organized for all members and their children, we require that you agree to participate in one cleaning session during the year. Children are not allowed during the cleaning time, just one adult per family. Cleaning materials will be supplied. The schedules for the cleaning days are Saturdays from 9:00 am to 10:30 am. If you do not attend the session you previously agreed on, a $30 fine will be charged on your student account. After the Westgate PRCs receive your payment, you will be able to choose one date that works best for you. Time slots are assigned on “first-come-first-served” basis.

Thank you for your cooperation. It allows us to bring this amazing space to our community. Happy playing!